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International Activities
July 21 - 25, 2013
August 5 - 9, 2012
September 26 - 30, 2011
September 22 - 23, 2011
August 7 - 11, 2011
April 14 - 11, 2011
November 3 - 5, 2010
July 25 - 30, 2010
May 23 - 28, 2010
March 20 and 22, 2010
April 9 - 10, 2009
January 18 - 22, 2009
August 11, 2008
May 18, 2008
November 26 - 27, 2007
August 17, 2007
November 10, 2006
July 30 - August 3, 2006
April 28, 2006
April 25th, 2005
January 16 - 20, 2005
November 17, 2004
November 4 - 6, 2004
November 3 - 4, 2004
June 26th, 2003
April 8th, 2003
International 3D Fair 2011 (The 3D User Experience Technical Summit)

: Imai (3D Consortium)

Venue of sessions
September 22 (Thu) - September 23 (Fri), 2011
Hollywood & Highland Center (Hollywood, California, USA)

The 3D Consortium has jointly organized the "International 3D Fair" with organizations related to 3D in Korea, China and the United States. This year, the Fair was organized in Hollywood under the initiative by the 3D@Home Consortium in the United States. The Fair was held as a part of the "3D User Experience Technical Summit (3D-UETS)" organized by the 3D@Home Consortium this year. The characteristic of the Fair this year was that it focused on sessions which covered the status of businesses related to 3D, 3D displays, the situation about 3D contents, the situation about the movie industry, human factors, safety and standardization issues. From Japan, Mr. Kouichi Imai (Head of Administration of the 3D Consortium) and Mr. Kiyoto Kanda explained about the outline of the 3D Consortium, the activities the Consortium is currently focused on and the status of activities about the "3DC Safety Guidelines" and biomedical effects on the human body. During the explanation concerning the safety and standardization related to 3D, it was reported that submission of NP (New work item proposal) of Japan to ISO had been done before any other country in August 2011 so that visitors who are involved in 3D will recognize the commitment by Japan. In addition, Mr. Ikuo Matsumoto and Ms. Emiko Sakata of Fujiwara-Rothchild, Ltd., a regular member of the 3D Consortium, conducted a presentation titled "What is the next key for 3D consumer market growth?" about the current situation of the 3D consumer market and its future development.

Mr. Imai (left) and Mr. Kanda (right) who were presenters

Ms. Sakata (left) and Mr. Matsumoto (right) who were presenters

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